The Real Tools of Destruction

Each time shark fin soup is served at a wedding, as many as 40 sharks are killed. 

We wanted to draw attention to this horrifying statistic, so we made a video that told of how love can end in brutal murder for sharks, by stitching together hundreds of painted china spoons that shark fin is usually served with. 

It drew a massive amount of support online for our cause, and helped rally people to change their attitudes towards this tradition, encouraging them to put down these tools of destruction, and put an end to shark finning for good. 


Merit, Cinematic, One Show 2013
In-Book, The Work 2013
Gold, Film, Spikes 2012
Featured, Best Ads on TV 2012
Featured, Lürzer's Archive 2012
Bronze, TV & Filmic, CCA 2012


ACRES Singapore


Art Director, Ogilvy & Mather Singapore


Film, Illustrations